Next to our pumpkins are twelve-foot-tall sunflowers in assorted autumn hues. I have waited all summer for this! Their massive buds are opening, creating a rich and varied display. Every day, I come to this spot of earth planted with tiny seed three months ago. I look up and into massive seed faces with petal hair. Every day, they remind me how to relate with God.
We have much in common with sunflowers, though we often do not realize. Our lives are dependent entirely on the Son—the light of His truth, the warmth of His love. Unlike sunflowers who have no free will, we can refuse to follow, to turn. Such refusal forfeits the life-giving, growth-producing power emanating from the only source of life, the Son. When we refuse to turn, when we go our own way, we lose access to our Life Source and eventually wither and die, at least spiritually. Just as sunflowers do not grow, are not sustained without the light and warmth of the sun, we do not grow, are not sustained without the light and warmth of the Son.