The Mountains of Special Needs Parenting

In August, my husband Todd and I hiked the Highline trail in Glacier National Park. As the name of the trail implies, the path cut along the side of a mountain and was so narrow near the beginning that a thick wire cable drilled into the rock served as a handrail, lest a misstep cause […]
Finding Meaning & Hope in Life’s Burns

On a sunny spring morning with nearly no breeze, I stood in the still-dormant grass of the ditch just a half-mile up from our home. I watched that old, white farmhouse burn. Flames swirled orange out of every window and door. I felt the heat on my face from across the street. Our 25-year-old son […]
God’s Three Answers

The winter storm smacked us hard Monday night right before our youngest finished his shift at PetSmart. A twenty minute straight shot down I-43 should be nothing, right? But I’ve learned never to assume any trip will end well. A while ago, a woman who has worked as relief staff for our daughter’s assisted living […]
Silver Hair and Wisdom Hard-Won

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV I sit across from him at our favorite Italian restaurant, waiting for our pizza to come out of the wood-fired oven behind […]
Giving Thanks When Grief is Fresh on Thanksgiving

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his […]
How to Consume Life-Giving Lamb

I ate the lamb shank—the lamb I ordered—Sunday night. For those of you who are vegetarians, I’ll try to be sensitive. Truth is, I found that shank extremely tender and tasty. Still, I wonder if I ought to partake of an animal that was “sacrificed” for my sake. Why can’t I even eat a tasty […]
That Dang Dog!

How many lessons CAN one learn from a dog? Well, since DOG is GOD spelled backwards and I happen to LOVE dogs (especially MY dogs), I find myself always asking GOD to speak to me through my DOG. Sure enough, GOD does! Not the same as speaking through a donkey, I suppose, but pretty dang […]
Sicker Than A Dog

I was sicker than a dog last week. That is, until my dog got sick the day after. I think I poisoned myself with some bad beef. Not pretty. Next morning, I read the directions on the package . . . Eat within 5 days after opening. I did the math, in the aftermath of […]
What Happens When the Hurting Seek Help

He comes up to me and leans in close to my ear. Will you pray for me? Of course, I say as I look into his eyes starting to well with tears. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief, dabs both his eyes, and with trembling voice tells me straight . . […]
How Can I Trust God?

She told me . . . I don’t know if I can trust God. I’m afraid He’ll hurt me like I’ve been hurt before. This young woman, sitting in my office years ago, was one of many seeking therapy. They had been hurt badly in relationship from their earliest memories on. People who professed […]
When You’re Faced with The Unexpected, Expect Joy

Life consists of lists. Surely, we can all list our stresses. Surely, we can all list our joys. We can offer a litany of complaints. We can offer our lips to give thanks. Our loving God invites us to cast all our cares onto Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Truth is, […]
My Personal Post-Election Lament and Encouragement

Influenza did me in before the election. For four straight days, I was literally sick and tired. When not sleeping, which wasn’t often, I just prayed. I prayed for my health. I prayed for my family and friends. I prayed for our country and our leaders. In fact, I’ve never prayed so earnestly about the […]