What are We Waiting For?

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 A continuation from Monday’s post . . . Back to Benghazi, which is just a reflection of reality, now . . . Hate spreading hate. Violence spreading violence. I’m not trying to […]
Massacres and Scepters

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and […]
Slaying That Dragon—Again

Sometimes the dragon you thought died—the one you thought you slayed with God’s word and your heaving, desperate prayers and every other right thing you knew to do at the time? Sometimes that dragon comes back from the abyss as if it had never died and been buried. One day, you turn and there you […]
Who Guides You When You’re Anxious?
The Lord is MY shepherd . . . Psalm 23:1 Sometimes the fog rolls in on this farm covering pasture like cotton plucked and pulled thin. Sometimes anxiety rolls in over me too, shrouding me. Sometimes I just shake for lack of vision, for need of compassion, for someone to reach out and touch […]
In the Wake of Super Tuesday (and How to Know Which Direction to Go in Life and Elections)

There’s a hard wind blowing here on the farm straight out of the west. I walk east to the barn and am swept along by powerful invisible. Time to set out the grain. Time to throw out the hay. Time to clean the barn. As our horses eat, I reach for the fork and […]
A Courage Undaunted
Ever felt on edge? Ever come to the edge of yourself? Ever pushed your edges—the places you’re not sure you can go, doing things you’re not sure you can do? Takes courage. Undaunted courage. In 1803, Meriwether Lewis was trained for the Corps of Discovery, commonly referred to as the Lewis and Clark Expedition, by […]
God, I thank you for the respite from daily toils and cares You gave us last week. And I thank you for the fall . . . All five of us got to get away, way up north, just over the border of Wisconsin and into the western tip of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Big Powderhorn […]
A Beautiful Nightmare
The whole family was in our Toyota Highlander last night, buckled in. I was driving, my husband was in the passenger seat, and our three kids were in the back. Southbound on I-43, we drove in the dark to Milwaukee on our way to a play. We were cruising along, happily chatting about random subjects […]
Faith, Not Feelings
It’s 5 AM and pitch black dark in this house. The heat hasn’t raised yet from the overnight low. I open my eyes to the blind of it all—eyes wide but seeing nothing—eyes wide and feeling everything. Too much. I feel TOO MUCH. The anxiousness I know too well greets me, first thing. Oh, I’ve […]
Horse Healer
I sat Ollie’s trot yesterday. On the back of this statuesque Arab/Welsh Cob cross, I worked to keep hands still and seat in saddle. My fingers hurt from the 15 degree cold. But I kept riding his trot, getting to know this new horse. I concentrated hard on my task—keeping steady rhythm, hands down, back […]
Plucked (How True Love Sets Us Free)
He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. When I was a young girl, my friends and I went hunting for daisies in the field behind our house and when we found one, we plucked the petals till there was only one left, hoping to end on . . […]
Opening Clams
I was enamored by the many sea otters I saw up close while in Alaska. They swim effortlessly, diving sleekly into ocean water depths in pursuit of shelled creatures—mussels and clams. Once they capture a closed shell, they bring it to the surface, turn onto their backs, open the shell, and float nonchalantly while enjoying […]