Picture of Hi I'm Heather
Hi I'm Heather

Come stroll the trails with me on our 44 acre Midwest horse farm where I seek God in the ordinary and always find Him--the Extraordinary--wooing, teaching, wowing me with Himself. Thanks for visiting. I hope you will be blessed!

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What is Love?

It’s Love Week!  In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, I’ve been pondering love—what is it really and how does the world define it differently from God?  So, in answer to the lead question starting the first entry of this week-long subject of mine, let me show you the banner hanging from our family room mantle that […]

Grounded Pilot

We had planned cross-country skiing this afternoon but a call came in.  Grand-uncle had fallen and broken a table.  Eighty-six years old and in hospital now.  We want to be there for him.   I grab a favorite vase and off we go for flowers first.  I prune and arrange, then walk into his room, […]


Good will.   Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.   These are definitions of grace. Two whole years we waited.  The government agency determined that Anna, then 19, qualified as most in need of services on their long list of other qualifiers with disabilities.  No one would know, looking at her.  Our beautiful daughter […]


No one wants me. Chin quivers and tears stream slow as our nineteen year old tells of yet another rejection.  Our hopes had been high.  A nearby cabinet assembly factory needed help and the employment agency sent Zach, informing him it was a three week stint with opportunity for hire.  We were all elated. And […]

Love Song

I view contemporary worship music the way I view every other musical genre.  If the music and lyrics and singers are good, I love it.  If they’re not, I find the song annoying.  Frankly, I find most contemporary Christian music falling into the second category.  Now I’m not criticizing any ears that might be differently […]

Dear God

It happened again along the country road leading home.  You swelled my heart with the everyday ordinary—deer close. My breath slows and I pull over hoping—hoping for a moment of deer time, up-close and personal.  And they do stay and I speak worship words to You in my heart—a psalm, a love song to You […]


Why do I write words baring the brokenness of my own soul?  Why do I share feelings deep and raw for all to read?  Do others gasp and wonder why too?  Why does she do this—this revealing?  I do it because I have to—I’ve decided I just have to.  One doesn’t heal without humility.  And […]

Heart Warming

Bundled in layers of down, I head to the barn at daylight.  It’s zero degrees. The wind is stiff and strong this morning, hurling like a sharpened spear out of the northwest, slicing me through.  My fingers ache in minutes as I greet our five horses eager for morning meal.  Three barn cats huddle tight […]